
A haunting modern Canadian fable featuring a talented cast of young performers

Reviews by Annie Hodgins • October 20, 2014

Theatre and cinema overlap in Chris Haddock and Stan Douglas' film noir-inspired production

Reviews by Lauren Gillett • October 18, 2014

Puccini's classic opera gets a fine treatment in latest COC production

Reviews by Morgan Kelly • October 18, 2014

Jordan Tannahill on his latest play about contemporary suburban youth

Interviews by Lauren Gillett • October 13, 2014

The Canadian Opera Company opens new season with Verdi's decadent comedy

Reviews by Morgan Kelly • October 6, 2014

Mirvish brings the best of the Edinburgh Fringe Festival to Toronto

Reviews by Lauren Gillett • October 4, 2014

Raoul Bhaneja brings the house down with blues tribute at Theatre Passe Muraille

Reviews by Jennifer Harvey • October 4, 2014

Producer Ella Louise Allaire gives us a behind-the-scenes peek at the musical reimagining of Emile Zola's famous novel

Interviews by Lauren Gillett • October 1, 2014

Raoul Bhaneja pours his heart and soul into a new show with Theatre Passe Muraille

Interviews by Lauren Gillett • September 27, 2014

Tarragon's season opener is a timely adaptation of Ibsen's radical drama

Reviews by Lauren Gillett • September 26, 2014