
Katharine McLeod walks tall in this playful performance

Reviews by Victoria Bégin • July 5, 2013

Tonya Jone Miller spins a magnificent yarn in this fascinating solo show

Reviews by Victoria Bégin • July 4, 2013

Playwright Rosamund Small on religion, theatre and her site-specific play at the Toronto Fringe Festival

Interviews by Lauren Gillett • July 2, 2013

Laura Anne Harris bakes dance, puppetry, poetry and song into her latest solo show at the Toronto Fringe Festival

Interviews by Lauren Gillett • July 2, 2013

Fun, games and free concerts abound at this year's Fringe Club

Previews by Lauren Gillett • July 1, 2013

Buddies in Bad Times, Video Cabaret and Young People's Theatre dominate the 34th Annual Dora Awards

News by Lauren Gillett • June 25, 2013

Lower Ossington Theatre brings back popular musical comedy with new leads Jacqueline Martin and Graham Fleming

Interviews by Lauren Gillett • June 20, 2013

Canadian puppet master Ronnie Burkett shows off his many marionettes in this whimsical improv show

Reviews by Lauren Gillett • June 17, 2013

A star dies and is reborn in Robert Wilson's artful production

Reviews by Lauren Gillett • June 16, 2013

A traditional take on Shakespeare's timeless tragedy

Reviews by Lauren Gillett • June 15, 2013