
A portrait of an artist with exceptional vision

Reviews by Victoria Bégin • July 10, 2013

The history of a Yukon theatre told from a child's perspective

Reviews by Victoria Bégin • July 9, 2013

Chris Earle masters the art of storytelling in this riveting revival

Reviews by Lauren Gillett • July 8, 2013

Andrew Bailey faces his demons in this gripping monologue

Reviews by Lauren Gillett • July 8, 2013

Aim for the Tangent Theatre tempts audiences with this delicious satire

Reviews by Lauren Gillett • July 8, 2013

Ginette Mohr and Ingrid Hansen hit just the right frequency in this fantastic two-hander


Reviews by Lauren Gillett • July 8, 2013

Matthew Gorman takes a stab at death in this morbid medieval comedy

Reviews by Lauren Gillett • July 7, 2013

A charming Joni Mitchell-inspired coming-of-age story

Reviews by Lauren Gillett • July 6, 2013

Another detonating dark comedy by Toronto theatre bombshell Kat Sandler

Reviews by Lauren Gillett • July 5, 2013

Jessica Moss on searching for Jessica Moss

Interviews by Lauren Gillett • July 5, 2013